By Lucy Komisar
I liked this clever pas de deux. But don‘t think classical ballet, think very contemporary male-female dance. “Et Si” means “And if.” At the Avignon Theatrical Festival OFF.
First you see a table, and under that legs. Everything above the table is blacked out. He is twisting. She kicks off red spike heels. You use your imagination. Very smart. She is cool. The twists are erratic, movements are jagged. Like the relationship.
We do then see both dancers, Stéphane Ripon and Marie Gaudilli¨re. There are in an intimate space, two chairs and a table. There are connections and hostilities. High kicks and splits in air. She stumbles, can‘t walk, he laughs. Both dancers are very good. It‘s a very fine small-in-space but big-in- conception dance piece.
“Et Si.” Choreographed by Stéphane Ripon. Thé¢tre des vents, Avignon Theater Festival OFF, Avignon. July 6 -29, 2018.