My video interview about Bill Browder by “progressive” British journalist Ross Ashcroft was censored and killed

Dec 19, 2024 – British journalist Ross Ashcroft did an interview with me in 2019 about Russiagate and the William Browder Magnitsky hoax called The Crumbling State of Propaganda. But he never posted it. contacted him repeatedly and he did not reply. He had asked me to redo the April interview because his lawyers blocked the piece as too “tough.” I did in November and toned it down. Not facts, just attitude. Did Browder make threats, as is his habit, or were they just fearful of his animus? But, finally, Ashcroft is responsible. He has just died. Here is the video and the transcript. You decide if a good journalist would have agreed to kill it. This is why the truth about conman and fraudster William Browder does not get out: he is protected by the self-described alternative as well as the legacy media. It matters as the Browder hoax is the Rosetta stone for the U.S. demonization of Russia.