By Lucy Komisar
Feb 3, 2025
A key operative behind years of attacks on Tulsi Gabbard, now focused on her nomination as Director of National Intelligence, is a corrupt Democratic Party collaborator, William Browder, who played a role in the 2016 Russiagate attacks falsely accusing Donald Trump of conniving with Russia in his campaign against Hillary Clinton. Browder is a conman whose attacks on Tulsi are part of a story he invented to get the U.S. government to protect him from Russia going after him for some $100 million in evaded taxes and financial fraud. It’s known as Browder’s Magnitsky hoax.
Russiagate has been widely exposed as a fraud, but politicians’ and legacy media’s repetition of Browder’s Magnitsky fabrications have given him standing to attack the honorable Tulsi Gabbard. Maybe he fears that she would reveal documents that tell the true story of fraudster William Browder.
Magnitsky was the accountant who organized Browder’s financial corruption in Russia and was detained for investigation by Russian authorities. After Magnitsky died in prison, Browder and Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, also jailed for multi-billion-dollar fraud, financed a campaign to get U.S. legislation that protected them by name from any Russian attempts to use a legal treaty to get them to answer for their crimes. Khodorkovsky had stolen a multi-billion-dollar oil company, Yukos, in a corrupt “loans for shares” scam. MBK, as he is known in Russia, funded lobbying for the law through an offshore shell company, Corbiere.
That Magnitsky Act was introduced by Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland and Republican John McCain. And signed by Barack Obama in 2012. But Browder is still worried and attacks anyone who might challenge the only U.S. law I can find that protects particular thieves.
Browder’s attack on Tulsi in 2019
Go back to Browder’s attack on Tulsi in 2019. The Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya had talked to Trump campaign staff about the Magnitsky Act and Chris Cooper, a former Wall St Journal reporter and head of a small public affairs and lobbying firm, who had worked for Tulsi, arranged a screening of the film “The Magnitsky Act—Behind the Scenes” by Russian Andrei Nekrasov at the Newseum in Washington after Browder got it banned on media in the U.S. and Europe.
(BTW, please discount the “Sir.” It is a “title” bought with cash to the right people. Look only to see that Browder’s “Sir” is as fake as everything else about him, and pretty fascinating about the UK:,

So back up. Here’s the film. Nekrasov starts off believing Browder’s claims are true. When he investigates, he discovers everything Browder said was a lie.
You can see it here (free). It’s a thriller!
Backing up, while legacy media ran fake news about Tulsi, an alternative reporter laid out the facts.

The only “expert” cited by NBC in support of its key claim was the firm New Knowledge, which was caught by the New York Times fabricating Russian troll accounts on behalf of the Democratic Party in the Alabama Senate race to manufacture false accusations that the Kremlin was interfering in that election.
Read more. It’s the Democrats.
The attacks on Tulsi were part of a Democratic Party operation which targeted Donald Trump. That included more than 100 dossiers by discredited British spy Christopher Steele which were peddled by former State Department official Jonathan Winer who worked for the global PR company APCO that represented Browder and Khodorkovsky. The plot becomes evident.
Now Senate Democrats are repeating Browder’s defamatory insinuations about Tulsi Gabbard. They are implicated in a hoax that a Director of National Intelligence should expose.
For more about the Browder hoax and how the legacy media keeps you from knowing about it, go here .
For a lot more, go here .
Another Komisar scoop.The Nekrasov documentary is brilliant and exposes Browder for what he is. A knight is it? In shining armour is it? Tradition has knights rescuing maidens in distress. Browder is more likely to cause them distress I should think.
It might be questionable if Browder was eligible for a knighthood even under the monarchy’s own qualifications. He might have renounced his US citizenship but he was not born on this turf, and to my mind he cannot be thought of as British. I think through his lineage he’s more Russian than British. But it’s all about the Powerbrokers from Davos these days which include King Charles. If you believe in the knighthood nonsense, which I don’t, he would probably be able to put KBE after his name – but not Sir before it. No doubt it’s all changed since this was penned when Elizabeth was monarch.
To me knighthoods have long been sullied by those posers “honoured” by them, including people like Keir Starmer, our prime minister who believes the UK would be better off being governed by Davos rather than Westminster. The amazing thing is that after he made that statement people still voted for him. His loyalty is to his rich cronies in the WEF – just like Browder and King Charles.
It’s pretty funny that King Charles knighted Browder after OCCRP ran a smear campaign about how Prince Charles had “Magnitsky Money” wind up in his projects.