Nov 26, 2020 – A foreign affairs subcommittee of the Australian Parliament is considering a William Browder Protection Act, ie a Magnitsky Act. It is a law which strengthens his campaign to block Russia from obtaining normal international legal cooperation in a case involving his $100mil+ tax evasion and illicit stock buys.
It pretends to be a human rights act, but that is a fraud, as it provides no due process and for the West is a Star Chamber to attack political enemies. But Browder doesn’t care what is in the act, as long as “Magnitsky” is in the title. That demonizes Russia and lets this mega-tax cheat cry “persecution.”
See this video of an interview with me by Rob Barwick in Melbourne that explains what you need to know about it.
I was reading an article you wrote in the book Everything you know is wrong. So I googled your name. I saw other articles that you have written and this with Bill Browder popped up. Last year, as just an interested person, I looked up this Magnitsky Act, McCain and Browder. As I researched how this Act came about and the Russian response; even though I had not read what you wrote, I came to the same conclusion you have in this case. I am so thrilled that someone else had seen the Browder Crook instead of a good Samaritan that the naïve John McCain did not. Thanks for exposing this.