Feb 3, 2025 – A key operative behind years of attacks on Tulsi Gabbard, now focused on her nomination as Director of National Intelligence, is a corrupt Democratic Party collaborator, William Browder, who played a role in the 2016 Russiagate attacks falsely accusing Donald Trump of conniving with Russia in his campaign against Hillary Clinton. Browder is a conman whose attacks on Tulsi are part of a story he invented to get the U.S. government to protect him from Russia going after him for some $100 million in evaded taxes and financial fraud. It’s known as Browder’s Magnitsky hoax.
Dec 19, 2024 – British journalist Ross Ashcroft did an interview with me in 2019 about Russiagate and the William Browder Magnitsky hoax called The Crumbling State of Propaganda. But he never posted it. contacted him repeatedly and he did not reply. He had asked me to redo the April interview because his lawyers blocked the piece as too “tough.” I did in November and toned it down. Not facts, just attitude. Did Browder make threats, as is his habit, or were they just fearful of his animus? But, finally, Ashcroft is responsible. He has just died. Here is the video and the transcript. You decide if a good journalist would have agreed to kill it. This is why the truth about conman and fraudster William Browder does not get out: he is protected by the self-described alternative as well as the legacy media. It matters as the Browder hoax is the Rosetta stone for the U.S. demonization of Russia.
Ken Dilanian, William Browder and State Dept analyst Robert Otto in photo.
Dec 4, 2024 – Maybe you’ve heard of William Browder and his alleged “lawyer” Sergei Magnitsky, who he says the Russians murdered in 2009 after he exposed a multi-million fraud by officials. Browder has told the tale all over the U.S. and Europe. But MSNBC reporter Ken Dilanian had proof it was a fabrication.
Dec 12, 2022 – This is a video interview by journalist Regis Tremblay of Lucy Komisar providing a step by step analysis of the Browder hoax. How he did it.
Nov 5, 2022 – Canadian journalist Matt Ehret interviews Lucy with details that the naive or corrupt Chartered Financial Analysts of Canada, meeting in Toronto, might like to know about their conman guest speaker. With links to documents that legitimate accountants might want to examine before they honor an infamous tax fraudster.
Oct 28, 2022 – I am publishing this important article by investigative journalist Adrian duPlessis just before CFA/Toronto, a woefully ignorant Canadian accounting organization, presents as speaker William Browder, one of the most infamous tax fraudsters of our time. He notes, “gnorance – be it in a naive or willful state – is form ill-fitting to a Chartered Financial Analyst and/or any other financial, legal+ professional worth their salt. Chronic toxicity of Hermitage networks’ false narratives – abundantly evident through review and analyses of public-record documents+ readily-accessible globally via court, police, corporate, press and other filings – prompts this letter.”
Sept 22, 2022 – Lucy Komisar talks to Hrvoje Morić about the Browder hoax, including Browder’s start as a crook skimming profits from Russian titanium company, Avisma, illicit buys of Gazprom shares for himself and the Ziff Brothers, the role of the Trump Tower meeting, proof Magnitsky wasn’t murdered, how Magnitsky Act was passed in a deal for the Jackson-Vanik trade amendment repeal and why Congress and the media lie about it all.
Oct 2, 2022 –Paul Best, reporter for Fox News, takes stenography from William Browder. Everything he writes is easily refuted by evidence that he failed to examine.
April 10, 2022 – Today’s Dealbook article in the NYTimes “ ‘There Is No Reasonable Way for This to End’: Bill Browder on How to Stop the War” includes numerous fake facts that fact checking organizations devoted to exposing such media falsehoods should address. This article is going a number of them in the hope that some have the courage to examine this evidence at a time of extreme hostility to Russia.
April 8, 2022 – Read or listen, how William Browder’s Magnitsky hoax, supported by the Deep State, was the first pillar of Russiagate. That was 2012. And it’s brought us to today’s U.S./Ukraine (proxy) war against Russia.
July 28, 2021 – The Big Lie has shown its power in the major media’s adoption of William Browder’s Magnitsky hoax. Say and write the Lie over and over, and journalists in the “best” papers will discount the need for proof. And they will ignore contradicting evidence sent to them. Especially when it challenges their government’s narrative.
May 10, 2021 – It’s always quite amazing when pseudo-legitimate journalists write Russophobic stories insisting that their evidence-free fabrications are true. The latest: Nick Cohen, a Guardian contributor, has published a full-of-falsehoods commentary on a book written by Catherine Belton, a longtime Russophobic journalist.
April 11, 2021 – A new Australian “light news” show, Channel 10’s The Project, broadcast a 29 March 2021 attack on the government for not passing legislation designed by a British fraudster to save his bloated bank account from Russian law enforcement. The Russians have evidence the fraudster stole hundreds of millions of dollars through evaded taxes, illicit stock buys and fraud against the Russian Treasury, but host Waleed Aly, with zero evidence, orchestrated a video aimed at getting public support for a bill the fraudster designed, which is a William Browder Protection Act.
April 2, 2021 – Sometimes the people who work for the West’s Deep State are subtle. But not this time. A webinar by Australian-born lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, a self-proclaimed international human rights advocate who was promoting a book, was mired so deep in lies that if I was the UK authority overseeing that lawyer, I would disbar him for corruption of character. Either that or he is so credulous that he should be disbarred for extreme stupidity.
Feb 28, 2021 – 20 fake US media articles on the Browder Magnitsky hoax and one honest reporter (from Cyprus) This is about articles written in U.S. media about convicted tax fraudster and conman William Browder.
Dec 18, 2020- Here’s a little story raising questions about the integrity of someone supposed to defend our justice system. I signed on to watch a Dec 10 zoom interview by Preet Bharara, former U.S. federal attorney, with convicted tax fraudster William Browder. Though that is not how he described him.
After nine years, the Swiss will close a case based on Bill Browder’s fake charges against some Russians he accused of taking money from the $230-million tax refund fraud.
This was a fraud on the Russian Treasury based on collusive lawsuits. Some crooks used shell companies to sue other shell companies to say “you cheated us, you owe us $$$.” Browder’s companies “paid” and then demanded tax refunds on their “lost” profits. Except they were collusive suits and evidence shows Browder was complicit.
Nov 26, 2020 – A foreign affairs subcommittee of the Australian Parliament is considering a William Browder Protection Act, ie a Magnitsky Act. It is a law which strengthens his campaign to block Russia from obtaining normal international legal cooperation in a case involving his $100mil+ tax evasion and illicit stock buys. See this video that explains what you need to know about it.
Sept 24, 2020- BuzzFeed, the internet news site, Sunday revealed a massive investigation about international banks‘ failures to act on documents filed with the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) that report evidence or suspicions of money-laundering. Its assertions appear solid. But there is a back story related to BF Russophobia.
Sept 21, 2020 -BuzzFeed takes a major hit to its credibility by opening an exposé of western banks‘ money-laundering with a fake story about Alexander Perepilichnyy, a Russian financial operative who was an asset of mega-tax cheat and conman William Browder.
Aug 19, 2020 – As the Democratic Convention is in progress, it is fitting to look at how Democrats in Congress and the White House, with Republican collaboration, were responsible for the Magnitsky Act, the law that protects tax fraudster William Browder and his henchman Mikhail Khodorkovsky by erecting a wall against their having to face justice for their financial crimes. And ramps up hostility to Russia.
Aug 6, 2020 – The Australian foreign affairs subcommittee is promoting a Magnitsky Act pushed by conman William Browder that is built on a tissue of lies. Here is an update from the broadcast I did for The Critical Hour, starting with background to the story.
July 20, 2020 – The FCPA Blog, a legal website about white collar crime and enforcement, continues to write lies about the Browder-Magnitsky hoax and refuses to publish comments that show evidence they are wrong.
June 21, 2020 – Hardly a surprise, but John Bolton buys into the Browder-Magnitsky hoax promoted by convicted tax fraudster William Browder. The place where it happens in “The Room Where it Happened” is the July 2018 Helsinki meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Here Bolton is shaking hands with the villain. Well, it was a photo op.
May 18, 2020 – On Fault Lines today, I spoke about the May 15th Australian Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing on the proposed Magnitsky Act. William Browder revealed Friday at a hearing before an Australian Parliament foreign affairs subcommittee that UK Foreign Secretary Dominick Raab told him about setting up an information sharing network with Canada and the U.S. on sanctions against their adversaries. Read Five Eyes.