May 12, 2020 – German Press Council rejects William Browder complaint against Der Spiegel. This starts my interview on Fault Lines today. First, the revelation yesterday that the German Press Council had rejected the complaint by William Browder, a former billionaire investor in Russia, against German reporter Benjamin Bidder and newsmagazine Der Spiegel. Their November investigative report nailed Browder as a fraudster and his death of my accountant Magnitsky story as fake.
May 5, 2020 – On Fault Lines today I revealed that I have obtained never published forensic photos of Magnitsky‘s body that show not a mark on his torso. Browder claims he was beaten to death by prison guards. Magnitsky died at 9:30pm Nov 16, 2009, and the photos were taken the next day. The half-hour interview starts at 2:30:00.
April 27, 2020 – The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists promotes itself as an independent, even heroic, organization of journalists who dig into the dark truth of global corruption. But this panel about the Panama Papers shows them as corrupt as they protect one of their friends, William Browder. And laughably as devious as Browder, the fraudster they choose not to write about.
The Fault Lines broadcast today is about two main elements of the Browder hoax, an introduction to the story.
First, Browder‘s tax evasion: taking the 5% profits tax
allowed by the Russia-Cyprus double taxation treaty for Cyprus investors when
he wasn‘t entitled to it.
Feb 25, 2020 – Edward Fitzgerald, QC, on the defense team at the Julian Assange extradition hearings. published a Doughty Street Chambers (London) support of U.S. government’s key Russiagate asset, tax fraudster William Browder.
Feb 13, 2020 – On Fault Lines today, I talked about some of Pete Buttigieg‘s corrupt billionaire contributors, the Ziff Brothers. Here are some of the key points.
Feb 2, 2020 – What does a self-proclaimed “independent” media regulator do in the UK when one of its member newspapers prints fabrications?
The Times of London ran a lying commentary calling for a UK Magnitsky Law, ie a law that allows the government to charge and punish targeted individuals (in “enemy” countries) without charges, evidence or due process.
Jan 28, 2020 – In December, the Danish Press Board rejected a complaint that tax fraudster William Browder filed against Finans,, a Danish financial news outlet, part of the national daily Jyllands-Posten, that reported on his tax evasion and invented Magnitsky story in a documented exposé by journalists Jette Aagaard and Kristoffer Brahm.
Dec 19, 2019 – Tom Graham, managing director at Kissinger Associates, spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations Dec 17th on prospects for stability in U.S.-Russian relations. He is on the moderate side of the current Russophobia but will not look into the evidence that the Browder hoax is blocking the improved U.S.-Russia relations he wants.
Dec 16, 2019 – I talked today on Fault Lines about the illicit Russian stock buys and tax evasion of the Ziff Brothers, whose Russian investments were handled by William Browder. This expands on and explains what I said in the half-hour broadcast.
Dec 11, 2019 – William Browder has filed a complaint with the German Press Commission against the German magazine Der Spiegel’s exposé of his corruption, of his tax evasion and fake Magnitsky story.
Dec 8, 2019 – The editor of OCCRP, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, a self-described investigative news site with links to the U.S. government and to fraudster William Browder, refuses to sign a statement in support of whistleblower publisher Julian Assange.
Dec 2, 2019 – On Fault Lines today, I talk about two important financial corruption stories the U.S. press ignores. Both involve the offshore system that western banks and governments protect, the first in the British Virgin Islands, Guernsey and Cyprus, the second in Antigua.
Nov 24, 2019 – Two years after I wrote the first exposé of fraudster William Browder and his Magnitsky hoax published by the investigative website 100Reporters, and after growing social media and some alternative media reports about his fabrications, a major western publication, the German Der Spiegel, has run a story by Benjamin Bidder, a reporter posted to Russia for seven years, who exposes Browder as a fraud and his Magnistky story as a fake.
Nov 4, 2019 – The network of lawyers in conflicting roles in Browder, Assange and U.S. government cases raises questions about Julian Assange‘s defense.
Oct 25, 2019 – Ben Brandon and Alex Bailin are London lawyers who have co-authored a fake story based on fabrications by William Browder about Russia‘s legal action against his tax evasion and the death of his accountant, Sergei Magnitsky. The writers of this London Times op ed managed to put eight lies into just five opening lines.
Oct 9, 2019 – A member of Congress you thought was a liberal is caught up in a Russiaphobe con-job. His name is Jim McGovern, and he is a congressman from Massachusetts. I thought he was pretty decent, so how has he bought into the Browder hoax?
Sept 30, 2019 – Guest: Lucy Komisar. A deep dive into the story behind the “Magnitsky Hoax”. Lucy tells the story of Bill Browder, Hermitage (his hedge fund) and how he managed to create a massive political weapon called the Magnitsky Act to protect himself and his benefactors and to use against others. The story also involves shell companies, tax havens, money laundering, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Robert Maxwell, Gasprom, HSBC, Natalia Veselnitskya, the Trump Tower meeting, the resurgence of the Cold War with Russia, Russiagate, the Mueller Report, and more.
Sept 4, 2019 – I wrote this to The Washington Post a week ago, and also to fact checker Glenn Kessler and then to public editor Margaret Sullivan. The Post turned down the response, to be expected from a very Russophobic publication. No response from the truth tellers.
Sept 1, 2019 – The European Court of Human Rights says Sergei Magnitsky‘s arrest for tax evasion was justified. But then it blames the Russians for his death by violence for which it gives no evidence.
Aug 27, 2019 – The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has just released a very flawed decision in a case brought by the widow and mother of Sergei Magnitsky and lawyered by a George Soros-funded Open Society Justice Initiative. I will analyze it soon, but this is a quicker take on a report by the BBC, which is published without a byline and is even more flawed.
Aug 12, 2019 – Stephen Cohen‘s important, disturbing book “War With Russia?” is subtitled “From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate.” In an era of Russophobia where the major media and politicians are conspiracy theorists, he is among the few who challenge their ignorance or deceit.
Aug 1, 2019 – Another fake @Politico Browder stenographer, lapping up his fabrications, this time targeting Cyprus. Why would Browder do that? Probably a salvo in his war to prevent Cyprus from providing the Russians with evidence of his tax evasion using Cyprus shell companies for nearly a decade till the mid-2000s.
July 29, 2019 – More Browder fakery, this one on @Politico in a story today about the new national intelligence director nominee, John Ratcliffe. William Browder, ever ready to feed clueless reporters his fabrications, finds a willing one in @NatashaBertrand.