Aug 21, 2018 – This is my interview today on Fault Lines with Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan. I took the open letter in Time that William Browder wrote to President Trump before his meeting with Russian President Putin and simply transposed it. For example, Putin values money far more than human life became Browder values money far more than human life.
Aug 17, 2018 – The New Yorker story about Browder: How do you get credibility for a story that is mostly lies? You throw in a few negatives about the person you are going to white-wash. Then you repeat all his unproved assertions as if they were fact. And you don‘t bother to provide evidence. And you ignore the major story you ought to be telling.
William Browder sent you a letter before your meeting with President Putin, and I‘d like to offer you a perspective about Mr. Browder that you probably aren‘t getting elsewhere. I am copying the form of his letter, but substituting Browder where he wrote Putin, and including facts you and the public probably don‘t know. Though there are indications your State Department does know.
June 15, 2018 – Reuters announces that it has trust principles committed to unbiased reliable news. So how does it deal with the fact it subscribes to the Russophobic meme that leads to fake news like this?
June 8, 2018 – This article by Michael Sainato in The Observer (London) recites the fake news we are used to: Magnitsky a whistleblowing Russian lawyer jailed after tagging officials for tax-refund fraud. However, there are some new elements in the story, about Renaissance Capital, which we have to assume are skewed by William Browder as he is the fount of all the media’s fake news about the Browder/Magnitsky.
June 2, 2018 – Radio interview on Fault Lines discusses arrest of William Browder in Spain and the meaning of Paul Manafort’s cryptic notes of the Trump Tower meeting when explained by the Judiciary Committee testimony of Natalia Veselnitskaya.
June 1, 2018 – Rolling Stone just posted some Bill Browder fake news in an article by stenographer Seth Hettena. Familiar fabrications: Browder‘s accountant Sergei Magnitsky is again a “lawyer” who was jailed after he blew the whistle on a $230m scam. Browder tracked every penny of it; it‘s a first time for that lie. Magnitsky was beaten with rubber batons and convicted after his death. Browder was expelled from Russia for exposing Gazprom corruption.
May 31, 2018 – Major media reporting that William Browder was detained in Spain, supposedly on Interpol red notice, but Interpol then said it didn’t put one out. So maybe it was an old one. Browder tweeted, of course, got lots of ink in the western media, and the story was over. Except it shouldn’t be.
May 22, 2018 – The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Trump Tower meeting testimonies were released May 16th. So far, a week later, the mainstream media has not analyzed Paul Manafort‘s “cryptic” cell phone notes. Not hard if you look at Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya‘s testimony that presents in more detail what she said at the meeting. Which the media ignore. Perhaps because it would spotlight inconvenient truths about Bill Browder and his major client, Ziff Investments.
May 15, 2018 – Michael McFaul, President Obama’s senior director of Russian affairs at the National Security Council and then ambassador to Russia, gave a neocon tour d‘horizon at the Council on Foreign Relations May 11. [Republicans/Democrats, they are all neocons now.] He was there to promote a new book. I asked him about the Magnitsky hoax. I got expected evasions at the Council, but later found revelations in the book. Here’s the Q & A.
May 13, 2018 – The latest William Browder acolyte in the mainstream press is Tunku Varadarajan, a former Wall Street Journal opinion editor now at the right-wing Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His May 11th WSJ story is a web of fabrications, so let‘s take them one-by-one, with links to the evidence. I love when Varadarajan refers to Browder as “an Anglo-American businessman.” Really, does that mean that one parent was American and the other British? No, it means he repudiated his US birth citizenship in 1998 so he wouldn‘t have to pay taxes on the money he was making in Russia and which he stashed in an offshore network set up by the infamous Mossack Fonseca.
May 6, 2018 – I just saw Mikhail Khodorkovsky‘s Wall Street Journal April 23, 2018 article How to Stop Vladimir Putin‘s Mafia. Among other things, he promotes the Magnitsky Act “to stop Putin‘s Mafia.” But now see how golden boy MBK made a deal with William Browder and colleagues Kenneth Dart (Dart Cups) and Francis Baker (Andersen Group) to sell them the Russian firm titanium Avisma complete with a transfer-pricing investor & tax-cheating scam.
May 1, 2018 – Here is what you never read in the mainstream press about crooked Mikhail Khodorkovsky, now in the MSM again because he received hacked emails the NY Times uses to declare that Russian lawyer Nataliya Veselnitskaya colluded with the Russian prosecutor in the Browder/Magnitsky case. It’s how he stole his billions. Here is the interview on Fault Lines.
April 29, 2018 – People outraged by Browder’s fake story about Jim Zwerg, the Freedom Rider, being his beaten lawyer, found this: Jim’s video interview as he recovered from the Alabama racists’ assault, almost 50 years before Browder’s fabrication.
Why does anyone believe crooked Browder? Oh, sorry, the mainstream media has its own agenda.
April 27, 2018 – Repeating the William Browder fabrications, New York Times reporters Andrew Kramer and Sharon LaFraniere today wrote the repeatedly disproved claim, “The tax fraud was uncovered by Sergei L. Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who was imprisoned and died in custody after disclosing the theft.”
William Browder commits identity theft! If you need more proof Browder is a fraud, look at this outrageous fake story. He produced a report given to press March 2009 to conflate the Russian tax evasion raid against him in June 2007 with the tax refund fraud perpetrated on the Russian Tax Authority in December that year.
April 8, 2018 – The New York Review of Books refuses to run a letter it invited pointing out fake facts in its February Browder Magnitsky story. It had ready my initial letter, invited a cut, which I did, but will not post it. Shame on what used to be a place of serious commentary and now runs neocon Russophobic screeds.
March 27, 2018 – US journalists Michael Isikoff and David Corn have just published Russian Roulette, an evidence-challenged Russophobic book of the sort that is clogging the media these days. It is a fast cut-and-paste job, including fabrications by William Browder which they apparently never bothered to check out. Since if they cared about their own reputations, they would not have written all that fake stuff. Here is the letter I wrote them, which they did not answer.
March 10, 2018 – Federal Judge William H. Pauley III (Southern District of New York) has backed the Justice Department demand that Prevezon, a Russian-owned real estate holding company, pay a $6-million settlement to DOJ, though the department knew in advance William Browder would get Dutch authorities to block the Prevezon assets that both parties agreed would be used to pay the settlement.
March 5, 2018 – Snopes, which pretends to check out fake news, is a fraud. I sent them a detailed email of why one of its Browder stories is a fake, and the response was “Thank you for writing to us!” And “our search engine can probably help you locate the very article you’re looking for. Thank you for your interest in” No interest in evidence that its report was a fraud.
March 2, 2018 – My Fault Lines online radio interview on the Council on Foreign Relations “Containing Russia” report discusses how authors Robert Blackwell and Philip Gordon lie in repeating British* investor/tax evader William Browder‘s claims that his accountant (not his lawyer!) Sergei Magnitsky was a whistle-blower on a $230-million fraud against Russian Treasury and that he was beaten to death in a Russian prison. A good 20-minute summary of the facts.
Feb 23, 2018 – This is the letter I sent yesterday to the New York Review of Books.
Amy Knight‘s “Russia’s Magnitsky affair and how it comes closer to Donald Trump” in the New York Review of Books Feb 22, 2018, is so full of egregious errors of fact, that I shall just start at the beginning, and link to evidence proving either bad faith or bad journalism. Essentially, Knight here is not a reporter, she is William Browder‘s stenographer. I link to the article here and here so as to give readers a context and not repeat too much.
Feb 10, 2018 – The Council on Foreign Relations Russia policy report “Containing Russia” by Robert Blackwill and Philip Gordon is a coldwar2.0 “let‘s fight the Russians” polemic that makes many claims but is slim on evidence. Here‘s one false assertion I know, because I spent over a year researching and writing about William Browder and his Magnitsky hoax. Important because it helped charge Russiagate.
So forget about the cover photo of Putin with a glass of champagne! So he is the rich guy against the low-income American officials who represent the working classes! (joke!)
Jan 19, 2018 – The Nation’s Bob Dreyfuss writes innuendo backed up by egregiously wrong information in a story that claims “there‘s a potentially incriminating link between the Trump Tower meeting involving Kushner and a Russian firm enmeshed in a famous money-laundering scandal.‘