MSNBC killed reporter Ken Dilanian’s exposé of the Wm Browder-Magnitsky hoax. State Department knew about it.
Ken Dilanian, William Browder and State Dept analyst Robert Otto…
Feb 3, 2025 - A key operative behind years of attacks on Tulsi Gabbard, now focused on her nomination as Director…
Dec 19, 2024 - British journalist Ross Ashcroft did an interview with me in 2019 about Russiagate and the William Browder…
Ken Dilanian, William Browder and State Dept analyst Robert Otto in photo. Dec 4, 2024 - Maybe you’ve heard of William…
Dec 12, 2022 - This is a video interview by journalist Regis Tremblay of Lucy Komisar providing a step by step…
Nov 5, 2022 - Canadian journalist Matt Ehret interviews Lucy with details that the naive or corrupt Chartered Financial Analysts of…
Oct 28, 2022 - I am publishing this important article by investigative journalist Adrian duPlessis just before CFA/Toronto, a woefully ignorant…
Ken Dilanian, William Browder and State Dept analyst Robert Otto in photo. Dec 4, 2024 - Maybe you’ve heard of William Browder and his alleged “lawyer” Sergei Magnitsky, who he says the Russians murdered in 2009 after he exposed a multi-million fraud by officials. Browder has told the tale all…
Aug 10, 2024 - This story tells of a conflict between a couple in the Bahamas who claim that UBS scammed them by taking their money and making fake trades into U.S. markets. They base their claim on UBS' failure to supply required trade confirmations. However, some of the documents…
Feb 22, 2023 - How do you make a good propaganda film? How do you expose it before it wins a truth-telling award and embarrasses the prizegivers -- before they discover it’s a propaganda pseudo-documentary that has been nominated for an “Oscar” – before the white envelopes are opened before…
Dec 30, 2022 - Major U.S. life and annuity insurance companies are endangering their policyholders’ benefits with risky investments that trade client security for bigger payouts for executives and shareholders, according to an examination of financial filings, annual reports, and experts on insurance finance.
Sept 27, 2021 - Former hedge fund CEO Marc Cohodes discusses in this one-hour interview Overstock's charges that Cohodes and associates faked reports to drive down the price…
Aug 18, 2021- Democratic Party insider Robert Shapiro, an economist who was a top advisor to the campaign of Bill Clinton, served as his undersecretary of commerce, and…
June 2, 2021 - This is my interview of Wes Christian, the Houston attorney who has been in the forefront of bringing naked short selling cases for twenty…
Feb 13, 2021 - The Backstory 9 Feb with John Kiriakou & Lee Stranahan ran this interview with me about the corruption of former Haiti President Aristide, and,…
Feb 1, 2021 - How to understand the GameStop Robinhood stock spike. It says a lot more about the corruption of the stock-trading system than you have read…
Melbourne, Oct 29, 2020 - The Australian parliament seems about to approve a ˜human rights‘ law that would establish the ability to exert arbitrary state power over individuals…
July 29, 2020 - Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer tells the story of his 15-year legal battle against Swiss judges and prosecutors and the Swiss bank Julius Baer over…
“Edges of Ailey” at the Whitney Museum of American Art is a fascinating juxtaposition of videos of the…
Sept 26. 2024 - Hello. I’m Lucy Komisar. I’m a journalist. So, I wanted to ask whether any…
If you took the white cards explaining many of the "art" works (some colorful shmattas, geometrical designs, my…
June 2, 2024 - President Frank Wu of Queens College of the public City University of New York…
Director Germán Kral’s fine "Adiós Buenos Aires" is a realistic and sensitive look at the lives of working-class…
This slow-moving political thriller sets a State Department official in Senegal (or does she work for another agency?) against young Peace Corps volunteer who…
The best part of “Redwood” is the realistic climbing and aerial dancing off and around the trunk of the massive tree. The vertical movement…
It’s the 100-year anniversary of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade but there were no floats or remembrance of how it started. It was organized by eastern European immigrants…
It was glorious in New York for the Halloween Parade, temperature in the 70s. And here’s what I loved, some politics, some immigrant culture (if I can say…
By Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report, Feb 6, 2020 - Lucy Komisar is an investigative reporter”she publishes…
I visited Russia twice, before and after the collapse of Communism and even attempted to learn Russian, not…
The American Interest, July-Aug 2010 (online May 18, 2010) - As I write this, the U.S. Senate is…
March 4, 2023 - Catherine Austin Fitts writes: "As soon as I learned Lucy had published a new…
Nov 6, 2019 - What happens when a major U.S. law firm helps a client steal billions from…
Dec 12, 2022 - This is a video interview by journalist Regis Tremblay of Lucy Komisar providing a…